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 Hostbot Usage.

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Hostbot Usage. Empty
PostSubject: Hostbot Usage.   Hostbot Usage. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 6:40 pm

So, as an admin myself, I would like to ask whether I can let the bot host other games not including avatar or any of Djoz's maps. When I !getgame, I can see that it's x/10 games, so it can host 10 games at once. Also I would want to know the map pools of the bot, what map does it have, figured by typing !map. Other things include banlisting and so on.

Just wondering what are the limits to an admin, Dj please reply.
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Hostbot Usage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hostbot Usage.   Hostbot Usage. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 6:44 pm

Surprised more games at once would increase lag even more imo... : /
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Hostbot Usage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hostbot Usage.   Hostbot Usage. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 11:46 pm

Well the bot has to be pretty limited since it is hosted on my own laptop and uses my cdkeys.
So i'm restricting its use to my maps (except rare occurences of "i'm testing out new maps" sessions), particularly Avatar. That makes it less problematic when i need to log in bnet myself or reboot my comp ( <- pretty often) etc...

On a side note i limited amount of games at once to 4/10 because abit past that point, i've observed more frequent failures from the bot (everyone disconnected bot "has lost connection" stuff). That is most likely linked to my not-so-good i-net connection but there's nothing i can do about that.
It says 4/10 games because 10 is the maximum possible cap ever setup in the bot's core config file, but when autohosting i set the cap to 4 actually, leaving a small margin for me to host an additional game incase all 4 autohosted ones are running already.

To sum it up, admins should consider their main purpose as keeping the autohosted games enjoyable for all.
Like a game's guardians, windwalking in the shadows until a ruiner/troll/spammer shows up, backstabbing it with the dark dagger of !kick. Or decapitating it with the !ban scythe of doom, incase of severe offenses deserving kick in multiple hostings.
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Hostbot Usage. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hostbot Usage.   Hostbot Usage. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 5:37 am

Lolol funny last line.
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PostSubject: Re: Hostbot Usage.   Hostbot Usage. Icon_minitime

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